Yoga Wellness Retreat In Goa | 7 Days Yoga Retreat In Goa, India
Prashamana Yoga

6 Day Yoga Retreat With Prashmana Yoga School

The Retreats is Never to be Forgotton! With Prashmana Yoga School

Avail Yourself Of The Yoga Retreat In The Tranquil Environment of Rishikesh.

7 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh

The 7 day yoga retreat at Prashmana Yoga School is now available. You can book a yoga retreat and get myriad benefits from the same. Prashmana Yoga School will assist you to explore the yogic realm through the retreat course. It is a no-commitment course, unlike the 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. However, you will witness activities like asanas, breathing techniques, and meditation through the seven days. Students will also be able to understand, if this is what they have been looking for. 

The 7 day yoga retreat at Rishikesh is the right program for you, if you are not sure of whether you want to embark on a long-term program in yoga. This program acts as a demo, that will make you aware of your inherent wants and desires. Reset your life, and get away from the hustle-bustle of life, by opting for the retreat course. The course is well-curated according to the level of the yoga enthusiast. 

What Will You Get At The Yoga Retreat?

You must have come across the full-fledged yoga courses like the 200 hour yoga course. However, the retreat courses are a lot different. You will get the best experience in seven days. 

  • You can get access to a wide range of teachers, who will be able to guide you on the asanas, breathing patterns, and meditative aspects. 
  • Moreover, the teachers have years of experience in guiding students toward the right direction. 
  • You will be able to absorb the history of yoga, to a certain extent as a part of the 7-day yoga retreat. 
  • You will enjoy delicious sattvic meals and snacks at the Best Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
  • The fees are also quite affordable, so you can enjoy seven days of pure bliss without any worries. 
  • You will also be able to avail yourself of Ayurvedic massage and healing services at the Yoga School In Rishikesh. 
  • You will be able to embark on yoga excursions as well. There are quite a few places nearby, where you can connect with Mother Earth. The lush green forest areas and waterfalls, can take you to another dimension altogether. 
  • Meet like-minded people, who may inspire you to give a full-fledged yoga course a try. If that is something you do not want, you can make lifelong friends at the retreat.

The yoga retreat in Rishikesh will be a short-term transformative experience, which will help you to travel to another realm. It is an experience that will help you to leave all the mental clutter behind and concentrate on things that are important.

Summary Of Retreat

Overview of The Yoga Retreat Program

In the yoga retreat course, you will learn about the origins of yoga. The lectures will be delivered by experienced and learned yogis. Moreover, the gurus and teachers at the ashram, will give you complete knowledge of the yoga practicalities. Moreover, you will learn the true meaning of yoga at the retreat course. After you have a fair understanding of the practices that are included in yoga, you will get to know about the Shatkarma Kriyas. As a part of the 7 days yoga retreat in Rishikesh, you will be practicing Jal Neti, Sutra Neti, Trataka, and a few other yogic cleansing techniques under the watchful eyes of the teachers. 

You can also engage in regular mantra chanting sessions and kirtans. The powerful mantras will be able to transport you to another realm altogether. You will feel a divine connection with the spiritual realm, wherein your messages are passed on clearly to the universe. Get away from work deadlines and lifestyle problems, with such activities in the idyllic atmosphere of Rishikesh. 

Next comes Pranayama, which is one of the holistic practices, that keep all alive. It is the very basis of life, that you will be learning to master. If you can master proper breathing patterns, then things get easy. Moreover, you will also learn the different types of breathing. If you are a beginner, who is embarking on the journey, you will be able to get the best knowledge of breathing. Some of the most common Pranayamas that you will learn at the retreat are Nadi Shodhana, Anulom Viloma, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Shitali, Shitkari, and Kapal Bhati.

Schedule of The Yoga Retreat Course

You will be starting with the yoga regime, early in the morning. The teachers will inform you of the schedule beforehand, so that you do not have any issues while practicing it. Moreover, the classes go on for the entire day, with two breaks in between. You will also embark on a yoga excursion to the beautiful beaches and attractions in Rishikesh.

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Schedule For 7 Day Yoga Retreat

Daily Schedule Of 7 Day Yoga Retreat With Prashama Yoga School

I hope this page has given you a real feel for the retreat and what it’s like but if you’re still not sure email and ask more questions! We’ll email you back answering all your questions and giving you even more exciting information.

After booking, we will be in touch with packing lists and lots more as the retreat gets closer.

05:30 AM Wake Up

06:30 AM - 08:00 AM Asana Practice

08:15 AM - 09:15 AM Pranayama

09:30 AM - 10:30 AM Breakfast

11:00 AM - 01:00 PM Daily Excursion

01:30 PM Lunch

03:00 PM - 04:30 PM Silent Meditation / Self Study

04:30 PM - 06:00 PM Hatha Yoga

06:30 PM - 07:30 PM Meditation

07:30 PM Dinner

09.00 PM Light Off

09:30 PM Sleep

Upcoming Dates For Retreat

Dates For 7 days yoga retreat in Rishikesh

Prashmana Yoga School is like a family. The approach is extremely authentic, professional, and will give you a broad real-time knowledge of the arena. We are the proficient in the field of yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

You, as a yoga student will gain in terms of yogic knowledge, physical strength and spiritual enlightenment, as a part of the training. There are a few basic courses and advanced courses in multi-style yoga, Hatha Yoga, as well. You can also join the Kundalini Yoga teacher training course to merge with the universe.

22nd May 2024


29th May 2024

  • Shared Price: 399$
  • Private Price: 499$
  • Availability: 02 Seats

22rd Jun 2024


29th Jun 2024

  • Shared Price: 399$
  • Private Price: 499$
  • Availability: 10 Seats

22nd Jul 2024


29th Jul 2024

  • Shared Price: 399$
  • Private Price: 499$
  • Availability: 10 Seats

22nd Aug 2024


29th Aug 2024

  • Shared Price: 399$
  • Private Price: 499$
  • Availability: 10 Seats

22nd Sep 2024


29th Sep 2024

  • Shared Price: 399$
  • Private Price: 499$
  • Availability: 10 Seats

22nd Oct 2024


29th Oct 2024

  • Shared Price: 399$
  • Private Price: 499$
  • Availability: 10 Seats

22nd Nov 2024


29th Nov 2024

  • Shared Price: 399$
  • Private Price: 499$
  • Availability: 10 Seats

22nd Dec 2024


29th Dec 2024

  • Shared Price: 399$
  • Private Price: 499$
  • Availability: 10 Seats

Food & Room At School

Accommodation & Food At Prashmana Yoga School

Food At Prashana Yoga School

You will be treated to Yogic food, that is prepared according to Ayurvedic principles. The food is purely Sattvic in nature. The food is light and easily digestible, so that the students of the retreat course can practice yoga without any hindrances or stomach issues. Additionally, you will be able to guide the inner energies towards a higher spiritual objective. 

Prashmana Yoga School will make sure that you get a healthy combination of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, salads, peanuts, coconut oil, and dates.

Paratha with Pickle
Bread with Fruit
Aloo Paratha
Aloo Paratha with Curd
Milk Tea

Accommodation At Prashana Yoga School

When it comes to the accommodation, the school has many options for you. You can either choose shared or dormitory accommodation. On the other hand, you can also choose private accommodation. The rooms have attached bathroom with all basic facilities. You also get clean pillows and blankets in the rooms. If you require air conditioning, you have to pay extra charges. 

The retreat courses are available throughout the year. You can check out the dates from the website. On the other hand, you can also call the school and enquire about the dates for the seven day yoga retreat. The 7 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh is a transformative journey, which will help you to develop awareness about your inherent strengths. After the course is over, you will be able to face life’s challenges in a better manner.

Yoga Hall
Our Venue
Dining Hall

What Is / Is Not Include In The Fee

What Is Included & And Not Included In The Course Fee

We are located in Rishikesh. Prashmana is a place to relax, regenerate and balance. A tranquil and spiritual yoga ashram environment combined with an organized approach to professional training. We strive to keep the ashram's energy pure and unblemished so that our training practices bring about spiritual transformation. So join with an open mind, a soft heart and a strong backbone. Our property is located on 3 acres of land in the middle of a forest surrounded by mountains, within walking distance to the Sea. Our yoga shala, meditation cave, lecture area, dining room and surroundings are very unique and well crafted. We are blessed with an on-site stream that makes continuous meditative sounds. Prashmana has a 60 foot natural body of water right next to the dining area. Visiting and staying in our ashram will be a life-changing experience for nature lovers and serious yoga practitioners. The impression of living in Prashmana will last a lifetime. It is the largest teacher training school in Rishikesh. All facilities such as public and private transportation, shopping, local markets, cafes, restaurants, ATMs, health food stores, scenic attractions, pharmacies and hospitals are nearby.  

What Is Included

  • 6 Nights - 7 Days Shared Accommodation
  • Yoga Books 
  • Notebooks and pens 
  • Cleansing Kits, Japa Mala
  • Fire Ceremony
  • Evaluation/Assessment Diary
  • Daily Nutritious Vegetarian meals and tea
  • A Himalayan sightseeing trip to Kunjapuri
  • Weekend excursions
  • Towels and bed sheet

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What Is Not Included


Air-conditioning (An additional 150 Euro).

Ayurvedic Panchakarma

Ayurvedic Panchakarma and Treatment and Healing Sessions/ Training


A variety of massages with a discounted price for the students

Visa & Taxi

Visa fee/air fare/taxi pick-up from Delhi, Haridwar

Our Expert Gurus

Best Yoga Teachers Of Prashmana Yoga School

Teachers make your learning easy and error-free. All teachers have 500-RYT and at least 10 years of teaching experience. We strive to maintain a friendly atmosphere between teachers and students to make learning easy and enjoyable. Our highly knowledgeable faculty, led by Himanshu ji, will guide you in every way possible during your training and help you change your life for the better.  


Yoga Anatomy and Asana


Yoga Teacher

Neha Baliyan

Lead Asana Teacher

Rohit Chobe

Lead Meditation Teacher

Prashmana Yoga School's Reviews

What Our Student Say About Their Yoga Teacher Training In Rihsikesh

Ankita Singh

I have done my 200 hours TTC followed by 300 hrs with Himanshu as my Anatomy teacher. While practicing n learning yoga showed me a new perception of what is real,what is necessary. He helped me find the very basic, very foundational way of learning it all. His teaching simplified the whole learning process to me. I know now which muscle group I am exactly working on and how to do adjustments to get the most of every asana practice. Its funny but take it from a girl who had a little to no knowledge of Biology+physiology. Had no interest in those subject in school. Himanshu will break down each and every aspect of your learning and I actually never felt I was a poor student around him. I won’t call him a guru because I have known him learning about every student of his and always helping them out in 1 or the other aspect. It has been an amazing experience and I am definitely looking forward to learning more from him. Ps. Don’t crack jokes with him, he never stops laughing (out loud😆)!!!! Impossible to not laugh with him :)! PPS. look at him go with his Human props. 😂never a dull moment in class with him even after 2 straight hrs. of lectures.

Renata Mandzhieva

Doing my 200hrs of yoga teacher training at Prashmana School with Madalina and Himanshu was very special. I really enjoyed not only the professionally organized training, but also the warm, caring, fun and easygoing atmosphere they created throughout the course. I am so grateful to Madalina and Himanshu for this training and for doing it in Rishikesh (which I came to love so so much!) While I know Madalina from the beautiful classes she creates at her boutique yoga studio in Vienna and her amazing retreats, I met Himanshu at the training. The way he teaches yoga was a whole different level for me and unlike anything I have done in the past (in trendy yoga studios and five-star hotels in Dubai or pristine beaches in Massachusetts.) I wish for those reading this to experience Himanshu’s classes first hand, but if I were do describe them I would say - traditional, real, otherworldly. Traditional as in very grounded in authentic yoga and it’s roots; real because the asana practice he teaches requires strength and is very effective (toning and stretching!) and otherworldly refers to that inexplicable talent, when someone is THAT good at what they do. Like many others in our course, I felt very lucky to be taught by Himanshu: I am grateful for his gentle care, attention and support, positive vibes and encouragement, as well as a very professional and disciplined attitude. I would also like to note our excellent guest teachers, especially Rohit for meditation classes and the guest expert for the Ayurveda workshop. And, last but not least, the food was as excellent as the course!

Oxana Nelina

I would like to wholeheartedly recommend Prashmana Yoga School to all those who embarked on the path of yoga and mindful living. I was participating in 200 hours teacher trainings organized by Prashmana Yoga in Rishikesh in August 2022 and I can say that this experience became invaluable for me. First of all, I would like to note the professionalism of the teachers, their excellent education and individual approach to each student. As part of the learning process, the human factor always plays a very important role. The teachers of Prashmana Yoga do everything so that every class goes smoothly and for the benefit of each student. Also, one cannot fail to note the excellent organization of the schedule and the inclusion of wonderful excursions and activities that will be remembered for a lifetime. If you participate in school activities such as retreats and yoga teachers trainings, you can be sure of quality food, sincere responsiveness in case of questions and a high level of competence. Thank you Madalina and Himanshu for such a wonderful experience!!! Looking forward to attending more event organized by You!


Prashmana yoga School is better known for its well qualified Teachers Himanshu and Neha both of them are dignified and thorough professional yoga teachers. They work on your short comings improve you in every aspect of life be it yoga on mat and yoga outside. The food here taste awesome and very delicious I have done few retreats and small trainings before but in most of the schools we used to get sick either with funny stomach or vomiting but here none of us fell sick and Stay here was very comfortable and luxurious no complaints. Multiple excursions like visit to holy temples keertans Ganga Aarti rafting were highlights of a day-off. Our invited guest teachers for Ayurveda Kanan was fabulous and also the teacher Georgia for her Kundlini special session was equally wonderful. Words fail me to describe how grateful I am to become a part of Prashmana yoga family. I am grateful to Prashmana yoga teachers to make my life more meaningful after doing this course I feel that life is beautiful and every moment is the moment of celebration.

Julia Navarro

Stumbled upon this school out of the thousands YTT’s available in the area. This was more than just a school to me, they became family. I did my Kundalini YTT, with Himanshu and Georgia. Both have expansive knowledge and experience couldn’t have done it with anyone else. To top that, surprise trips were made to waterfalls, Ganga Aarti, swimming at the Ganges and visit to a sacred meditation cave. The accomodation and 3x daily homemade indian food was one of the highlights. Prashmana School went above and beyond expectations and I couldn’t be more grateful. Namaste

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