100 hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India
Prashamana Yoga

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Destination trainings allow you to be fully immersed in your yoga, as well as a new culture and new place.

Overview Of The Kundalini Yoga Course

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Welcome to the 100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, where tradition meets transformation. Our program stands as a beacon of authenticity, rooted in the timeless wisdom of ancient scripts and texts passed down through generations of revered gurus.

Enroll in our 100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Course and immerse yourself in the study of ancient texts such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Kundalini Yoga. Gain a deeper understanding of the profound meanings concealed within these scriptures, guiding you towasts a profound awakening of consciousness.

100 Hr Kundalini Yoga TTC

Advantages Of Doing A 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Absolutely, the 100 hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training course is indeed designed for beginners who are eager to embark on their journey into the world of yoga. This foundational course serves as an ideal starting point for individuals who are new to Kundalini Yoga or wish to deepen their understanding of this transformative practice.

  • You will get the best inspiration to pursue the course in the city, where it took birth. The Best Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is right here to guide you.
  • You will be enlightened as you practice yoga on the beach of the Ganga. The gurgling of the water adds another dimension to your practice. 
  • You will meet students from many other nations in Rishikesh, which is a cultural melting pot. 
  • Moreover, you will learn to be more accepting of the others cultures, as that is necessary if you want to teach Kundalini yoga on a global platform. 
  • We will provide you with the best faculty, who have spent their lives in the valleys since decades. 
  • The course is designed in such a manner, that even beginners find it easy to learn and master the lessons.
  • We also lay a lot of stress on the theory part, an understanding of which is necessary for you to move forwast in your pursuit. 
  • Your chakras will be unblocked, so that the Prana can flow freely through them to reach the Sahasara Chakra.

We can help you to embark on the path of cosmic union, with the help of yoga asanas, breathing, meditation, and kriyas. The course will teach you how to deepen your knowledge about Kundalini and access the powers of the same.

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in India

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course

Are you passionate about yoga and eager to deepen your practice while delving into the profound teachings of Kundalini Yoga? Look no further! Our esteemed 100-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in India is meticulously crafted to offer you a transformative and enriching experience, empowering you to become a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher.

The essence of our 100-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in India is to provide a profound and transformative journey, enabling yoga enthusiasts to immerse themselves deeply in the ancient and powerful practice of Kundalini Yoga. Our comprehensive curriculum is meticulously designed not only to enhance personal practice but also to equip individuals with the requisite skills and knowledge to become certified Kundalini Yoga teachers.

Join us on this profound odyssey as we explore the depths of Kundalini Yoga, unlocking the boundless potential within and illuminating the path to self-realization and spiritual fulfillment. Embrace the transformative power of Kundalini Yoga and embark on a journey of profound personal growth and empowerment with our 100-hour Teacher Training in India.

Opening Ceremony
Pranayama Yoga
Outdoor Asana
Ceremony with Student
Our Student

Yoga Alliance Certified Kundalini Yoga Course

The Yoga Teacher Training at Prashmana Yoga School is accredited by Yoga Alliance. It certifies that we are following the highest and best standasts if yoga education. The 100 Hr Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course has been designed with extreme care, so that you understand the background. The discipline is more spiritually inclined and you can only get the best exposure when you are well-conversant with the background and philosophy behind Kundalini power. 

After you successfully complete the course, you can also apply for the RYT 100 Certification. The school provides you with the best avenues for success, so that you are always ahead of the others in the same realm.

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Why We Are Different From Others

Schedule For 100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course

The yoga training begins on 2nd with a welcoming ceremony and finishes on 13th with graduation ceremony. Airport pickup is included and you will receive all details after booking. We will try our best to help you with any travel arrangements you may need.

The nearest airport is Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun. Pickup from Dehradun airport are included in the course.

06:30 AM - 07:00 AM Kryas And Guided Pranayama

07:00 AM - 08:30 AM Morning Alternating Practice

08:30 AM - 09:00 AM Asana Practice

09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Breakfast

09:45 AM - 12:30 PM Yoga Anatomy

12:30 PM - 14:00 PM Lunch

14:00 PM - 15:55 PM Self Study

16:05 PM - 18:00 PM Yoga Philosophy

18:00 PM - 19:30 PM Dinner

19:30 PM - 20:30 PM Bhakti, kirtan, philosophy & special events

20:30 PM - 21:00 PM Evening guided meditation

22:00 PM Lights off

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC Curriculam

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh

Prashmana Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Rishikesh will help you begin your journey and career in the glorious field of yoga. With our various courses and programs, you can learn a lot about it in a short period of time. The syllabus of yoga in Rishikesh is maintained in such a way that every topic gets covered theoretically and practically. All the important topics are covered in our well-maintained syllabus and schedule.

Shat Karma

The six purificatory techniques. Before commencing pranayama, any imbalance in the dosas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) should be removed/balances. In Hatha Yoga there are six particular practices which were specifically designed for this purpose. They are called Shatkarma.

  • Jal Neti (Nasal cleaning)
  • Sutra Neti (Nasal cleaning with a catheter for intense nasal block)
  • Agnisara Kriya (For Digestive fire)
  • Kapalbhati Kriya
  • Tratka

Pranayama (Breathing Techniques)

'Pranasya Ayamah Iti Pranayama'- Expansion of breath is Pranayama. In our teachers training course students learn various breathing techniques which will not only help overcome stress, anxiety, fatigue but also revitalizes the body, improves blood circulation and concentration. Since breath is the bridge between the body and the mind, establishing this bridge is one of the key techniques for successful meditation.

  • Introduction of Pranayama
  • Four aspects of Pranayama
  • Koshas
  • Types of breathing
  • Shat Karma and Asht Kumbhakas
  • Kapalbhati (frontal brain cleansing)
  • Nadi Shodan Pranayama
  • Surya Bheda Pranayama (vitality stimulating breath)
  • Ujjayi Pranayama ( The Psychic Breath)
  • Bhastrika Pranayama ( Bellows Breath)
  • Seetkari Pranayama ( Hissing Breath)
  • Sheetali Pranayama
  • Bhramari Pranayama ( Humming Bee Breath)

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini is the union of Shiva and Shakti. As the Kundalini (Shakti) begins to rise, our inner sleeping energy awakens, our potential becomes limitless and abundance enters our lives. Negativity, fears, stress and anxiety will begin to disappear and you will be able to live your own life instead of surviving. Then we become our true selves. The ancient seers and sages of India viewed the spine as the tree of life and practiced and taught to ensure the uplifting of inner energy. 

  • Rules and Preparation
  • Postures
  • Chakra Sadhana
  • Practices to awaken Ajna Chakra
  • Practices to awake Mooladhar Chakra
  • Practices to awake Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Practices to awake Manipura Chakra
  • Practices to awake Anahata Chakra
  • Practices to awake Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Practices to awake Bindu
  • Practices for Chakra Awareness
  • Moola Shakti Bandha (Root Energy Lock)
  • Uddiyana Shakti Bandha (Abdomen Energy Lock)
  • Jalandhar Shakti Bandha (Throat Energy Lock)
  • Maha Shakti Bandha (Great Energy Lock)

Hatha Yoga

The wost haṭha means force and thus alludes to a system of physical techniques. it is associated with the practice of various traditional asanas including their benefits, modifications, contraindications, along with the use of props.

  • Tadasana
  • Tiryaka Tadasana
  • Vrikshasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Katichakrasana
  • Virabhadrasana I
  • Trikonasana
  • Astha Chandrasana
  • Virabhadrasana II
  • Parsvakonasana
  • Virabhadrasana III
  • Padahastasana
  • Garudasana
  • Natrajasana
  • Bakasana
  • Sukhasana
  • Padmasana
  • Swastikasana
  • Agnistambhasana
  • Dandasana
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Purvottanasana
  • Janushirsasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Mandukasna
  • Uttan Mandukasana
  • Supta Vajrasana
  • Vakrasana
  • Gaumukhasana
  • Ushtrasana
  • Balasana
  • Parvatasana
  • Simhagarjanasana
  • Marjariasana
  • Naukasana
  • Saral Bhujangasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Viprit Naukasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Uttanpadasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Viparitkarni
  • Halasana
  • Karnapidasana
  • Pavanmuktasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Setubandhasana
  • Chakrasana
  • Shirshasana
  • Shavasana


Vinyasas are flowing sequences of movements that connect each asana with the next. Vinyasa refers to a series of connected movements, performed in a sequence. Practical class of Vinyasa in which a sequential flow of asanas will be designed and practiced.

Meditation (Dhyana)

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses various techniques to train attention and awareness inwasts, to achieve mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state which would enable one to reach higher state of consciousness.

  • Introduction of Meditation
  • Techniques of Meditation
  • Breathing Meditation (Stage I,II,III)
  • Thist Eye (Stage I,II,III)
  • AUM Meditation (Stage I,II)
  • Sound Meditation
  • Trataka Meditation

Yoga Anatomy And Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology of yogic practices with benefits and contraindications of asanas and pranayama for various disosters in the body.

  • Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
  • Human Anatomy Planes
  • Systems of Human Body
  • Skeletal Systems
  • Muscular Systems
  • Respiratory Systems
  • Digestive Systems
  • Basics of Shoulder Anatomy
  • Spine Anatomy
  • Human Nervous Systems
  • Pelvic Anatomy
  • Muscles of Hip

Yoga Philosophy and Yoga Ethics

Traditional philosophy, concepts and history of yoga and insights from modern research and ways in which the essence of this holistic life-view can be integrated into a modern lifestyle.

  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • Schools of Indian Philosophies
  • What is Yoga
  • Raja Yoga
  • Karma Yoga
  • Bhakti Yoga
  • Gnana Yoga
  • Kriya Yoga
  • Gunas
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras - Samadhi Pada

Teaching Practice

Students will take turns practicing their teaching skills by performing in front of their peers and teachers.

  • Demonstration
  • Alignment
  • Instructions

Teaching Methodology

A teacher should efficiently perform the practical applications of class planning and preparation. At Prashmana, our students will learn how to create a positive and peaceful class environment for an enjoyable and transformative experience.

  • Positive andamp; conscious communication.
  • Friendship and trust.
  • Time management
  • Qualities of a teacher
  • Principles of demonstrating, observation, assisting, correcting.
  • Use of voice in class
  • Mental andamp; emotional preparation for teaching.
  • Class preparation
  • Step by step class structure planning.

Mantra Chanting

The purpose of mantra chanting is to generate positive vibrations and connect with the universe. Each mantra is special and rich with spiritual energy.

  • Aum Namah Shivaya
  • Ganapati Mantram
  • Guru Mantram #1 and #2
  • Gayatri Mantram
  • Shanti Mantram #1 and #2
  • Maha Mrityunjaya Mantram
  • Aum Asato Ma Sadgamaya
  • Aum Purnamadah Purnamidam
  • Patanjali Slokam
  • Opening Mantra
  • closing Mantra

Time Is Precious Use It Wisely

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Upcoming Dates For 100 Hour YTTC

Dates For Your 100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course 2024

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in india

Our ashram is located in the very heart of Rishikesh. The ashram is comfortable and spacious with Indian furnishings, large dining room. You can choose your stay in Shared rooms or Private Touch. Every single room has an ensuite bathroom, air condition and comfortable bed, to ensure your sleep is peaceful throughout the night. Looking out over the Himalayas, yoga classes are held in the spacious and cosy yoga shala, dappled in sunlight and mountain views. This unforgettable and inspiring space gets the first rays at sunrise and the last magical light at sunset.

01st Aug 2024


13th Aug 2024

  • 2-Shared : $799
  • Private: $899

01st Sep 2024


13th Sep 2024

  • 2-Shared : $799
  • Private: $899

01st Oct 2024


13th Oct 2024

  • 2-Shared : $799
  • Private: $899

01st Nov 2024


13th Nov 2024

  • 2-Shared : $799
  • Private: $899

01st Dec 2024


13th Dec 2024

  • 2-Shared : $799
  • Private: $899

01st Jan 2025


13th Jan 2025

  • 2-Shared : $799
  • Private: $899

01st Feb 2025


13th Feb 2025

  • 2-Shared : $799
  • Private: $899

01st Mar 2025


13th Mar 2025

  • 2-Shared : $799
  • Private: $899

01st Apr 2025


13th Apr 2025

  • 2-Shared : $799
  • Private: $899

Food & Room At School

Accommodation & Food At Prashmana Yoga School

Accommodation and Food

Food At Prashmana Yoga School

You will get the best Sattvic food at the ashram and retreat. The best chefs prepare the food accosting to Ayurvedic guidelines. Moreover, you will get to know about your doshas and diet structure. The ingestion of fresh foods accosting to your Prakriti will take you closer to your yogic objective.

Aloo Paratha
Bread and fruit Breakfast
Aloo Paratha with Pickle
Paratha with Cust
Morning Tea

Accommodation At Prashmana Yoga School

Prashmana Yoga School will provide you with the best accommodation – shared and private. The rooms have attached bathroom with all basic amenities. Moreover, you also get some basic supplies for daily use, as a part of the package or course cost.

Yoga Hall
Our Venue
Dining Hall

What Is / Is Not Include In The Fee

What Is Included & And Not Included In The Course Fee

Prashmana Yoga

We are located in Tapovan, Rishikesh, the yoga capital of the world. Prashmana is a place to relax, regenerate and balance. A tranquil and spiritual yoga ashram environment combined with an organized approach to professional training. We strive to keep the ashram's energy pure and unblemished so that our training practices bring about spiritual transformation. So join with an open mind, a soft heart and a strong backbone. Our property is located on 3 acres of land in the middle of a forest surrounded by mountains, within walking distance to the Ganges River, Tapovan Market and Lakshman Jhula (Suspension Bridge). Our yoga shala, meditation cave, lecture area, dining room and surroundings are very unique and well crafted. We are blessed with an on-site stream that makes continuous meditative sounds. Prashmana has a 60 foot natural body of water right next to the dining area. Visiting and staying in our ashram will be a life-changing experience for nature lovers and serious yoga practitioners. The impression of living in Prashmana will last a lifetime. It is the largest teacher training school in Rishikesh (Tapovan/Lakshman Jhula/Ram Jhula). All facilities such as public and private transportation, shopping, local markets, cafes, restaurants, ATMs, health food stores, scenic attractions, pharmacies and hospitals are nearby.  

What Is Included

  • 13 Days Accommodation (Private or Shared)
  • Tuition with experienced teachers in an small-class setting
  • Training materials, notebooks and pens
  • Cleansing Kits, Japa Mala
  • Fire Ceremony
  • Yoga Alliance recognized certificate (upon graduation)
  • One Himalayan sightseeing trip
  • Visit to different ashrams and temples
  • 3 delicious wholesome meals a day
  • Dehradun airport pickup

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What Is Not Included

Yoga Course in Rishikesh


Air-conditioning/Heater (Available at an additional charge).

Best Yoga TTC

Ayurvedic Panchakarma

Ayurvedic Panchakarma and Treatment and Healing Sessions/ Training

Yoga Course in India


A variety of massages with a discounted price for the students

Yoga Mat

Visa & Taxi

Visa fee/air fare/taxi pick-up from Delhi, Haridwar

Excursion With Prashmana Yoga School

Our body and mind need free time to relax. Exploring the beauty of Rishikesh along with this course makes learning more fun. On Sundays, we arrange excursion tours to places like Kunjapuri Temples, Beatles Ashram, Parmarth Nikethan, Vashishta Cave, etc. The Course fee is all-inclusive of these tours. During Sundays, we serve only breakfast. You can enjoy lunch and dinner outdoors from amazing local restaurants and get to know more about Rishikesh food culture.

Ganga Arti
Kunjapuri Temple
Parmarth Niketan
Ganga Beach
Ram Jhula

Questions You May Have

FAQ’s About 100 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC In Rishikesh


If you have any questions not answered here, please do not hesitate to get in touch. No question is silly!

When compared with other yoga styles, Kundalini yoga is a more spiritual practice. It also involves physical movements, but it's not the main focus like other forms of yoga. This is quite different from the Vinyasa or the hatha yoga, which revolves mainly the physical poses. Kundalini yoga is highly precise as well as repetitive.

Kundalini yoga is an intense practice, but the physical and mental benefits make it the best option for beginners and advanced yogis.

Chakras mainly relate to Kundalini, which in turn is the exemplification of the huge hidden potential present within us. There are several means of pattering these hidden potentials like Mantra, Gemstones, Pranayamas, and meditation.

Time Is Precious Use It Wisely

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Our Expert Gurus

Best Yoga Teachers Of Prashmana Yoga School

Teachers make your learning easy and error-free. All teachers have 500-RYT and at least 10 years of teaching experience. We strive to maintain a friendly atmosphere between teachers and students to make learning easy and enjoyable. Our highly knowledgeable faculty, led by Himanshu ji, will guide you in every way possible during your training and help you change your life for the better.  


Yoga Anatomy and Asana


Yoga Teacher

Neha Baliyan

Lead Asana Teacher

Rohit Chobe

Lead Meditation Teacher

Prashmana Yoga School's Reviews

What Our Student Say About Their Yoga Teacher Training In Rihsikesh

Ankita Singh

I have done my 200 hours TTC followed by 300 hrs with Himanshu as my Anatomy teacher. While practicing n learning yoga showed me a new perception of what is real,what is necessary. He helped me find the very basic, very foundational way of learning it all. His teaching simplified the whole learning process to me. I know now which muscle group I am exactly working on and how to do adjustments to get the most of every asana practice. Its funny but take it from a girl who had a little to no knowledge of Biology+physiology. Had no interest in those subject in school. Himanshu will break down each and every aspect of your learning and I actually never felt I was a poor student around him. I won’t call him a guru because I have known him learning about every student of his and always helping them out in 1 or the other aspect. It has been an amazing experience and I am definitely looking forward to learning more from him. Ps. Don’t crack jokes with him, he never stops laughing (out loud😆)!!!! Impossible to not laugh with him :)! PPS. look at him go with his Human props. 😂never a dull moment in class with him even after 2 straight hrs. of lectures.

Renata Mandzhieva

Doing my 200hrs of yoga teacher training at Prashmana School with Madalina and Himanshu was very special. I really enjoyed not only the professionally organized training, but also the warm, caring, fun and easygoing atmosphere they created throughout the course. I am so grateful to Madalina and Himanshu for this training and for doing it in Rishikesh (which I came to love so so much!) While I know Madalina from the beautiful classes she creates at her boutique yoga studio in Vienna and her amazing retreats, I met Himanshu at the training. The way he teaches yoga was a whole different level for me and unlike anything I have done in the past (in trendy yoga studios and five-star hotels in Dubai or pristine beaches in Massachusetts.) I wish for those reading this to experience Himanshu’s classes first hand, but if I were do describe them I would say - traditional, real, otherworldly. Traditional as in very grounded in authentic yoga and it’s roots; real because the asana practice he teaches requires strength and is very effective (toning and stretching!) and otherworldly refers to that inexplicable talent, when someone is THAT good at what they do. Like many others in our course, I felt very lucky to be taught by Himanshu: I am grateful for his gentle care, attention and support, positive vibes and encouragement, as well as a very professional and disciplined attitude. I would also like to note our excellent guest teachers, especially Rohit for meditation classes and the guest expert for the Ayurveda workshop. And, last but not least, the food was as excellent as the course!

Oxana Nelina

I would like to wholeheartedly recommend Prashmana Yoga School to all those who embarked on the path of yoga and mindful living. I was participating in 200 hours teacher trainings organized by Prashmana Yoga in Rishikesh in August 2022 and I can say that this experience became invaluable for me. First of all, I would like to note the professionalism of the teachers, their excellent education and individual approach to each student. As part of the learning process, the human factor always plays a very important role. The teachers of Prashmana Yoga do everything so that every class goes smoothly and for the benefit of each student. Also, one cannot fail to note the excellent organization of the schedule and the inclusion of wonderful excursions and activities that will be remembered for a lifetime. If you participate in school activities such as retreats and yoga teachers trainings, you can be sure of quality food, sincere responsiveness in case of questions and a high level of competence. Thank you Madalina and Himanshu for such a wonderful experience!!! Looking forward to attending more event organized by You!


Prashmana yoga School is better known for its well qualified Teachers Himanshu and Neha both of them are dignified and thorough professional yoga teachers. They work on your short comings improve you in every aspect of life be it yoga on mat and yoga outside. The food here taste awesome and very delicious I have done few retreats and small trainings before but in most of the schools we used to get sick either with funny stomach or vomiting but here none of us fell sick and Stay here was very comfortable and luxurious no complaints. Multiple excursions like visit to holy temples keertans Ganga Aarti rafting were highlights of a day-off. Our invited guest teachers for Ayurveda Kanan was fabulous and also the teacher Georgia for her Kundlini special session was equally wonderful. Words fail me to describe how grateful I am to become a part of Prashmana yoga family. I am grateful to Prashmana yoga teachers to make my life more meaningful after doing this course I feel that life is beautiful and every moment is the moment of celebration.

Julia Navarro

Stumbled upon this school out of the thousands YTT’s available in the area. This was more than just a school to me, they became family. I did my Kundalini YTT, with Himanshu and Georgia. Both have expansive knowledge and experience couldn’t have done it with anyone else. To top that, surprise trips were made to waterfalls, Ganga Aarti, swimming at the Ganges and visit to a sacred meditation cave. The accomodation and 3x daily homemade indian food was one of the highlights. Prashmana School went above and beyond expectations and I couldn’t be more grateful. Namaste

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